

Exam Practice (click here for the full markscheme)

Why produced? (markscheme)

This David Low cartoon appeared in the Evening Standard on 8 June 1940.


Why was Source B published?   Use Source B and your own knowledge to answer the question.



Utility (markscheme)

This Lee cartoon of 21 May 1940 in the Evening Standard’s ‘Smiling Through’ series is entitled: ‘Ups and Downs’.   The train guard is shouting to one depressed-looking man: "No, Sir, only 'Confident Smilers' this end, S


How useful is Source D to an historian studying the attitude of British people to the withdrawal from Dunkirk?   Use Source D and your own knowledge to answer the question.



Extraction from a Source (markscheme)

From Movietone News, a newsreel produced to be shown in cinemas at the time.

More cheering evidence of the success of this amazing military exploit is the presence in Britain of large numbers of French soldiers…  They are showered with hospitality and find the tea of old England almost as refreshing as their familiar coffee…  Enjoying an unexpected seaside holiday, they bask in the sun, awaiting orders to return to France.

     The story of that epic withdrawal will live in history as a glorious example of discipline [amongst our troops]…  Every kind of small craft - destroyers, paddle steamers, yachts, motor boats, rowing boats - have sped here to the burning ruins of Dunkirk to bring off the gallant British and French troops betrayed by the desertion of the Belgian king.

     Here in these scenes off the beaches of Dunkirk you have one of the dramatic pictures of the war.  Men wade to a vessel beached at low tide, its crew waiting to haul them aboard.  Occasional German planes fleck the sky, but where was the German Navy?  Of German sea power there was little trace.

What does Source A tell us about the withdrawal from Dunkirk?



Evaluation of an Interpretation (markscheme)

Is the view given in Source A an accurate representation of the attitude of British people to the withdrawal from Dunkirk?   Use Source A and your own knowledge to answer the question.


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