The Growing Crisis, 1900-1914


Exam Practice (click here for the full markscheme)

Extraction from a Source (markscheme)

What does Source C tell us about German attitudes before the First World War?


Now we know where our enemy stands.   Like a flash of lightening in the night these events have shown the German people where its enemy is...   When the hour of decision comes we are prepared for sacrifices, both of blood and of treasure.

From a speech made by the Kaiser, November 1911



Reliability (markscheme)

How reliable is Source D for an historian who wants to know about German attitudes in 1913?  

Use Source D and your own knowledge to explain your answer.


Germany is deliberately preparing to destroy the British Empire.   We are all to be drilled and schooled and uniformed by German officials.   Britain alone stands in the way of Germany's path to world power and domination.

from an article in the Daily Mail newspaper, 1909



Description (markscheme)

Describe the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914.



 Explanation/Analysis (markscheme)

Which was the greater danger to European peace in the years 1905-1914:


the rivalry between France and Germany in Morocco, or


the rivalry between Austria-Hungary and the Serbs in the Balkans?

You must refer to both parts when explaining your answer.



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