Background to the War


Exam Practice (click here for the full markscheme)

Extraction from a Source (markscheme)

What does Source B tell us about nationalism before the First World War?


The Naval 'War Cabinet' of 1912

General von Moltke [head of the army] said: I believe war is unavoidable; war the sooner the better.   But we ought to do more to press to prepare the popularity of a war against Russia.   The Kaiser supported this.   Tirpitz [head of the navy] said that the navy would prefer to see the postponement of the great fight for one and a half years.

From the Diary of Admiral Muller, 8 December 1912



Reliability (markscheme)

How reliable is Source A for an historian who wants to know about German attitudes in 1913?  

Use Source A and your own knowledge to explain your answer.


The German answer to all our talk about the limitation of armaments is: Germany shall increase to the utmost of her power...   I have lived among Germans, but with the best will in the world I can see no solution to the present collision of ideals but war.

A lecture given in 1913 by JA Cramb, an Englishman who went to university in Germany



Description (markscheme)

Describe the alliance system that existed in Europe in 1914.



 Explanation/Analysis (markscheme)

Which was the greater danger to European peace in 1914:


the Arms Race, or


the System of Alliances?

You must refer to both parts when explaining your answer.



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