Revision Diary

Censorship and Propaganda


Censorship and propaganda.




1.  Based on detailed research ('Mass Observation').

2.  Improved until very successful - sophisticated and amusing.

3.  Different media used (e.g. radio, cinema, posters, Churchill's speeches).

4.  Censorship covers up pictures etc which the Ministry of Information thought would damage morale (e.g. pictures of dead children/ a picture of a bombed underground station) BUT the success of British propaganda was that it usually told the truth, only put a positive 'slant' on it.

4.  'Black propaganda', misleading the Germans.


Read the e-book page on Censorship & Propaganda.





1.  22 Jan 1940: newspapers and newsreels were censored by the government Ministry of Information.

2.  6 Feb 1940: MoI ‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’ campaign.

3.  Mass Observation monitored public morale.    

4.  Radio: Listen while you Work/ The Kitchen Front/ ITMA/ Vera Lynn sang for British soldiers.  

5.  Black propaganda (Political Warfare Executive pretended to be a rebel German radio station).





Revision Focus

This is a Paper 1- World War Two  topic, so think about how you will USE the information to answer sourcework questions.  

You will need:

1.  A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING of 'what was going on', so you can make intelligent comments on the purpose of the sources.

2.  Some FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE so you can assess the factual accuracy of the sources.


This paper is ALL sourcework questions, so make sure you know how to do them.


NOTE PARTICULARLY that there is no choice of questions on this topic - so...





More key facts on the Revision Sheet.