John Agard - Half-caste


A comment by Rendell Harris at © 2000 English Resources, University of Wales




In this poem John Agard is satirising the stupidity and offensiveness of the term "half-caste".   The poem is aggressive in tone, directly addressing the reader, making you responsible for thinking about why you might use the term.   The poet uses a variety of clever techniques to show the absurdity of the term.




Notice the language used by the poet: his use of phonetic spelling and West Indian slang shows his pride in his language and his refusal to apologise for or tone down his culture.


Look carefully at the wordplay - the jokes on "half a leg" and so on. You should comment on the way the poet uses humour to point out the absurdity of certain attitudes.


The skill of the poet is a statement in itself: the use of language and imagery proves that he is not the half a man which the term "half caste" implies.